Optimizing your local SEO: advantages and good practices


Local SEO benefits

Are you a physical establishment and want to increase your turnover thanks to the Web? Good idea ! But how do you go about being truly effective on the Internet? What are the best practices to put in place so that your website is well optimized and brings you new customers? For local SEO services in Lahore have unique techniques to deploy.


What is local SEO?

SEO in general

If you've ever looked for ways to optimize your website , you've probably heard of  SEO . Although complex, this technique allows you to  qualify your visitors  based on their search behavior in Google. In other words, it is about analyzing the keywords  they use when they make a query in a search engine related to your field of activity. You must, then, optimize your website for these different keywords, in order to be well referenced for each of them.


Let's take an example. If you are a law firm, you will try to  position yourself well  on “lawyer in international law”, “lawyer in family law”, “lawyer in criminal law” or even “law firm”. Why ? Because these are certainly  the keywords your target audience searches for  when they want to learn about these specific topics. Of course, when you choose your keywords, you have to do it according to your specific activity. Are you more of a specialist in foreigners' law and juvenile law? So there is no point in taking a position on “international law”.


Local SEO: definition

Local SEO is a variation of natural referencing. As the name suggests, the goal of this technique is to improve your position in search engine results for a  specific geographic area . To use our example of a law firm, it is no longer a question of targeting only general keywords such as "law firm" but rather of specifying "law firm Namur". From then on, you  maximize your visibility  with local customers, who are actually your target audience. To put it another way, by  developing a local SEO strategy , you are securing a place in what we call  proximity results.

Who is local SEO for?

 Many SMEs generally think that SEO is a technique mainly reserved for large companies. Why bother optimizing your website, since anyway a national, or even international, company has a better chance of getting ahead of you in Google results? However, for small structures it is also possible to be well positioned in search engines. This is what  local SEO is for .


If you have a  store or a local business , that is to say that targets customers in a particular geographical area (a city or a region), you have every interest in doing  local SEO . Whether you're a restaurant, bakery, gym, or clothing store, your customers and prospects want relevant results when they are looking for you. They want Google to suggest quality  business sites that are close to them  (that is, with good reviews from other customers). And anyway, what use is it for you to be well referenced for Liège if your restaurant is located in Namur? Your customers are either Namur residents or tourists looking for a nice place to eat.


The advantages of local SEO

Gain visibility in search engines

Competition on the web is great. Many companies from all sectors are gradually embarking on the adventure by  creating a  brand new website. Obviously, this has an impact on  the level of competition , which is always higher. The more the number of websites increases, the more complicated it becomes for yours to be visible to Internet users . The role of SEO, whether local or not, is to propel you among  the first Google results  for certain keywords of interest to your business.


Attract new customers

Improving the visibility of your website in search engines allows you to rise in the first results. However, Internet users generally do not go further than the first page of results. Most often, they are even content to go to  the first three websites offered by Google  (the first result alone already collects 33% of clicks). Therefore, if you decide to improve the positioning of your website, you can  increase its traffic . As a result, you also increase your chances of converting some into customers.


Target your customers precisely

Even more than  traditional natural referencing , local SEO allows you to  qualify your audience  by targeting very precisely the people who interest you. Certainly, by concentrating your efforts on a city or a region, you limit the number of Google queries among which your site will appear. However, since this is where your customers are located, you ensure the quality of your visitors and  thus increase the chances of a conversion. (whatever it is: visit in store, making contact via form, request for estimate online…). And that's ultimately what you want from your website, isn't it? That it allows you to attract new customers, by appearing in a relevant way in Google search results.

How to optimize your local SEO?

As we have seen, developing a local SEO strategy is an opportunity to make yourself known to Internet users when they are looking for a business or services in a specific geographic area. It allows you to gain visibility in search engines, increase qualified traffic to your website and attract new customers. Now let's talk about good local SEO practices . You will see that there are techniques to implement directly on your site (on-page) and external tools (off-page) that help you improve your local SEO.


1.Metadata and content of your website

Metadata is  an HTML tag  inserted into the header of each of your web pages to describe its content. They  consist of a title and a description , under which you are then listed in search engines. The goal, for a good  local SEO , is to insert in this metadata the name of the city or the region  that you are targeting, so that Google and its robots can easily find the information.

And to be truly effective, also include your geographic area  in the content of your website . Add it in your page title (H1), in your  text , in the alternative text of your images ... Do not forget also to indicate your address in  a contact page  and, why not, in the footer too (the part bottom of your site which is found from page to page).


2.Schema.org semantic markup

Like metadata,  Schema.org structured data  contributes to the natural referencing of your website. This is a set of tags  that helps Google robots better understand general information about your business. Using the LocalBusiness tag  , you can clearly confirm data such as what type of business you are, your name, official website, address, official logo, social media, hours of operation, range of price, type of payment accepted, your email and phone number ...


3.A mobile friendly site

Nowadays, smartphones are becoming more and more important in  natural referencing  in general. This makes sense, knowing that we are now all very connected and that we often consult our phones when we do a search on Google. For  local SEO , the trend of mobile friendly is even more advanced. Mobile users very often do  proximity searches with their phones . Therefore, you must ensure that your website performs well on smartphones. Its loading speed, responsive design and user experience are criteria that are really important.


4.The host of your website and its extension

Although this criterion is not the most relevant in terms of local SEO optimization, the fact remains that it is better to  favor a server close  to you as well as a  national extension . The server is where your website is stored. It is therefore logical, if you are a Belgian company targeting Belgians, not to host  your site  in the USA. Likewise, for your domain name, favor  the “.be” extension , which marks your proximity to the Belgian public, rather than “.com”, which has an international dimension.


5.Local SEO and Google My Business

Google My Business

Google My Business is the essential tool for your local off-page SEO strategy . This is the online directory developed and offered by the famous search engine. Free, it allows any company that wishes to create a file, which will then be found in  the Local Knowledge Graph and Google Maps . Essential to local SEO, this tool allows you to be present in the list auto-generated by Google when Internet users are looking for a specific type of establishment.

For example, if they make a query for "boulangerie Paliseul",  Google will list them the addresses  of bakeries with a Google My Business listing. They can also consult this sheet by clicking on the name of the establishment. Google also offers a  geographical map , to be able to precisely locate the bakeries in question. All Internet users have to do is choose the establishment that tempts them the most.

Of course, having a Google My Business account alone is not enough. It is still necessary, in fact, that your form is well filled out. What information is included?


·         The  name  of your establishment

·         Your  geographic information  : country and precise address

·         Your phone number  ,  website ,  opening hours  and  rush hours

·         Your   specific activity category (bakery rather than shop, for example)

·         A  description  of your establishment, which captures your local SEO keywords

·         Of  photos and images  highlighting your company and its products / services

·         The  opinions  of your customers (stars with the possibility of leaving a comment)

·         You can also indicate the upcoming events in which you are participating and allow Internet users to ask you questions.


6. Opinions and recommendations

Another very important point for Google is  the reviews you receive from your  satisfied (or unhappy) customers . Those on Google My Business are obviously important. They are not the only ones, however. Certain specific websites make it possible to collect Internet users' opinions on an establishment. This is the case, for example, with  TripAdvisor,  which includes customer reviews for all establishments linked to the tourism sector (activities, accommodation, restaurants, etc.). This is also the case with  Yelp,  whose field of action is much wider, since it allows you to give your opinion on all kinds of different businesses (restaurants, bars, beauty salons, dentists, doctors, etc.).




7.Business directories and backlinks

Natural referencing in general is based, among other things, on a system of links (internal and external). The  backlinks  are links from other web sites that link to yours. They are also important for your local SEO. It is for this reason that it is important to  register on business directories  (for example, the Yellow Pages). By providing your website with information on your establishment, you create a backlink (external link) which helps with your referencing.


But business directories aren't the only backlinks you can generate to improve your local SEO. Proximity authority sites  are also important. These are websites directly linked to the geographic area you are targeting and considered by Google to be trustworthy. This is the case, for example, with  city ​​sites  or  tourist offices .


8.Social networks

Eh yes ! The  social networks  also participate in your local SEO. Facebook, for example, is very useful when it comes to local SEO. It allows you to  strengthen your local information  by including your contact details (address, telephone number, email address, website) in its "About" section. The social network also allows you to  promote your page locally . You then create an ad that targets only people on Facebook who are close to you. In addition, when your Page grows and you manage to  create a tight-knit community around you , search engines like Google can also refer you through your Facebook account.


To conclude

Today, if you are a local establishment, local SEO is a good way for you to be more visible in search engines. You target an audience in a specific geographic area and use geolocation to attract qualified traffic.


The best practices explained in this article can help you  optimize your website to rank well in local search results . In addition, well applied, these techniques are clean and allow you not to suffer penalties from Google.


However, they are not always easy to set up. Need a helping hand to improve your local SEO? Use a SEO agency. Its experts will be able to advise and help you in this arduous task.
