Carpet maintenance and cleaning

Carpets change the look of a room, give it warmth and make it always welcoming to those who cross its threshold. To ensure that all these characteristics of carpets are preserved for a long time, we must not neglect at all an extremely important side, that of proper care of carpets.

For professional carpet cleaning services in Spanaway, contact Premier Janitorial. They have advanced technology and highly skilled cleaning staff.

How to take care of carpets, to take more advantage of them

By following some rules for cleaning carpets, we will be able to enjoy them and their qualities much longer. Here are some tips on how to properly care for your carpets to make the most of them!

Maintenance and cleaning of carpet or carpet

Vacuum the carpet twice a week

By regularly vacuuming the carpet, ideally twice a week, you prolong its life and do not let the impurities settle too comfortably among its threads, dusting it. It is also important to remember that vacuuming the carpet must be done with the vacuum cleaner turned on at maximum power to absorb any dust or dirt particles.

Use cleaning solutions that do not affect the fibers of the carpet

Although modern cleaning solutions contain combinations of less aggressive ingredients with different types of materials from which carpets are made, whether we are talking about natural fibers, such as wool or cotton, or we are referring to synthetic fibers, such as polypropylene or acrylic, we suggest using milder cleaning solutions, when you do a deeper cleaning of the carpet. Thus, you will make sure that you do not affect the color, texture, or resistance of the carpet in any way and that you prolong its new look for a longer time than expected.

Remove as soon as possible the traces of a culinary or other accident

The sooner you intervene to remove any trace of an unfortunate culinary accident from your carpet, the better the chances that the stain will be removed. Don't forget to apply a cleaning solution to the place in question, even if you squeezed the food or drink from the carpet, with a napkin or with a piece of textile. Depending on what the product contains, it is possible that the carpet material will be stained quite seriously, which is why any quick intervention on the place in question makes the stain disappear.

Cut the rebellious wires to the surface instead of pulling them hard

It sometimes happens that a more rebellious thread comes to the surface of the carpet fabric and makes you pull it hard to get rid of it. We advise you to cut it nicely with scissors so that it is at the others' level because, if you pluck it with fluff, it is possible to make other threads be desired. Instead, only an empty patch will remain, not at all pleasant and which can rarely be masked.

Do not leave the carpet under heavy pieces of furniture

Any heavy piece of furniture will have a less pleasant effect on the carpet when it is placed on top of it: the fibers will flatten, and the color in that area may make the note discordant with the rest of the carpet.

If, for various reasons, the configuration of the furniture in the room makes it impossible for your carpet not to be under the furniture, then try, periodically, to turn it over. Thus, you will alleviate the appearance of pressed fibers, which occurs in places where heavy furniture is placed.

Carpet cleaning methods according to stains

The simplest maintenance method is to vacuum the carpet at least once a week and avoid wearing shoes where it is located. Cleaning carpets, both those made of synthetic fibers and those made of natural fibers, is done by dabbing the stain, rubbing with a solution of warm water and detergent, rinsing, and vacuuming again.

Next we will detail these steps and the different cleaning methods, which can be useful, depending on the stain.

RULE no 1.

We know that it is not polite to ask your guests to take off their shoes at the door, but on the other hand, if it rained and there is a beige carpet beyond the front door, the obvious choice is for them to leave their shoes at the door. The second solution is to purchase a press or a mat, which you can place in the hallway as close as possible to the entrance.

RULE no 2.

Aspirate, aspirate, and aspirate again. Vacuum all the carpets and rugs in the house at least once a week. On surfaces with heavy traffic, it is advisable to repeat the suction process as many times as possible.

Now let's move on to the cleaning instructions. Vacuum cleaners are very effective in controlling the amount of dust and dirt that settles on the carpet, but it is necessary to resort to deep cleaning two or three times a year.


Do not try to erase a stain from the first because the result will be an even bigger stain. Rubbing with a sponge or brush before tamponing the surface to remove excess dirt will only spread the dirt particles even more. So, first, dab the stain with a paper or a cloth.


Unfortunately, we have bad news: you can't remove all stains with the same product. Our advice is to take each stain in turn, see why it was made and try to remove it individually. The good news is that it's not as hard as it sounds, and you can do it with the products you already have in your household.

  • Synthetic carpets are cleaned with a solution based on warm water and soap or detergent.

  • In the case of chocolate stains, soft drinks, coffee, or ice cream, stubborn stains are cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. A concentration of 3% is sufficient and does not discolor the fabric. Then rinse with water and wait for it to dry. After drying, vacuum vigorously.

  • Alkaline stains (cat urine or beer) are cleaned with wine vinegar, which will eliminate the unpleasant odor. Apply diluted vinegar with water over the stain and leave on for an hour, then rinse. If the stain persists, repeat this procedure.

  • Acid stains (ketchup, various sauces, or paint) are cleaned with ammonia.

  • Oily stains (wax, grease, makeup) are cleaned with alcohol.

  • Chewing gum, glued to the carpet, cools with ice cubes until it becomes solid and can be scraped.

  • If you have shed nail polish, clean it with nail polish remover. Do not overdo it with the solvent; use only the minimum amount necessary because it can damage the carpet.

  • Carpets made of wool or other natural fibers are cleaned in the same way as synthetic carpets , but ammonia or any other alkaline solution cannot be used. These can damage the wool fibers. Also, avoid rubbing stained surfaces with a brush that is too rough. Replace the brush with a sponge.


Step 3: RINSE

After cleaning the carpet, it is absolutely necessary to rinse it. If you do not do this, the cleaning solutions may continue to work longer than necessary and may cause carpet or carpet discoloration.


After the carpet or carpet has dried, wipe it again with the vacuum cleaner to remove the last traces of dirt.

And ready, you have a clean carpet!

How to prevent the carpet from fading from the sun

Maybe you can't wait to feel the sun's rays on your skin and lie down on a sunbed in the coming months… but your carpet is of a different opinion!

From the moment you place the carpet on the floor, in a room that has natural light for a few hours a day, the fading process begins. The effects become visible in some cases only after a few years, but the best thing you can do for your carpet is to protect it from day one. How? Is simple:

  • Do not place it in direct light - Even if the sun can reach it, the carpet is protected when placed in the middle of the room and not directly under the window.

  • Choose the right curtains and use them as much as you can - When you go to the office in the morning, you can pull the curtains to protect the carpet from the sun. Not only will you have an intensely colored carpet for a long time, but you will also keep a more pleasant temperature in the house.

  • You can invest in foil that applies to the window and blocks ultraviolet waves - There are also carpet protectors, which are applied periodically and protect them from the sun.

These tricks will help you keep your carpets and rugs intact for a long time. However, what do you do when carpet discoloration has already occurred? If you notice that it no longer looks like when you bought it, don't panic. There are methods that can restore its original color.

One of the easiest and most common methods is to use hot water and salt .

  • Start by vacuuming the carpet well.

  • Then combine equal parts of hot water and salt in a bowl and mix until the salt is completely dissolved.

  • Apply salt water to the entire surface of the carpet using a damp cloth.

  • Allow it to dry, and then vacuum again to remove the salt. This has the role of giving shine to discolored fibers and protecting it from other discolorations.
