Open a juice/smoothie bar Business.


You want to get started in entrepreneurship and open a smoothie bar. How do you go about it? What are the first steps to take before starting? What regulations apply to this type of activity? How to start a business? Which legal form to choose to set up a juice bar? Captain Contract guides you step by step.

These steps are given below:

·         Steps to take to open a smoothie bar

·         The regulations to respect to have a smoothie bar

·         The legal form of the company


Juice or smoothie bars have been very popular for several assumptions. Indeed, everyone is looking more and more for a healthy lifestyle and healthy food.

Wishing to ride this wave, you are going to open a smoothie bar. For this, you must carry out a business plan, an essential document for any business creation. This document should allow you to verify the viability of your project. It must contain several elements.

You will start by doing juice bar business plan market research. This study involves looking at the smoothie bar market and also the competition. You will do thorough research on the trends of these juice bars, their clientele, and competing juice bars. You have to study the behavior of consumers in these bars, their ages, their preferences, etc. You have to educate yourself on the fruit cocktails that are sought after.

It would help if you also considered the typology of the fruit bar market

After this market study, you will have to find the room to open your smoothie bar. These bars are often located on busy passages in city centers, shopping malls, and even itinerant trucks. If you opt for a real bar, think carefully about its location, which must be strategic and very busy.

Finally, you must include a financing plan in your business plan. This must include a provisional budget, a provisional income statement, and a provisional balance sheet. You can present this financing plan to financial institutions or investors. It must be as realistic as possible.


If you want to open your smoothie bar, you must follow the regulations that apply to any commercial catering establishment.

Your juice bar should have at least one person on staff that has completed food hygiene training. When you settle in, you will also have to declare yourself to the Departmental Directorate in charge of the Protection of Populations.

It is also necessary to respect health standards on conserving perishable products and safety standards for establishments open to the public for the business. Safety standards also include fire safety, Likewise, accessibility standards for people with disabilities are to be expected.


It would help if you displayed your prices outside and inside your bar. Finally, the use of allergenic ingredients must be indicated in writing, legible, and visible form, and signs must indicate the ban on smoking.

These regulations must be strictly observed under the penalty of a fine or administrative closure.

However, when it comes to the sale of non-alcoholic drinks, such as fruit juices, you no longer need to have a license.

Finally, the opening hours must be following those established by your prefecture. If you can make a terrace, you must ask for authorization from the town hall. And if you want to play music in your bar, you need permission.


You can option for micro-business for your smoothie bar. The advantage of this micro-enterprise is that its creation is simple. It had to be done on the internet. However, there are turnover ceilings. This must not exceed 176,200 $per year.

If you still wish to practice individually in a single-person limited liability company, also called a single person. You are the sole manager of your bar. You decide your remuneration. Your assets are separated from professional assets, which is an advantage in the event of financial difficulties. In addition, you can choose between submitting to income tax or corporation tax. Finally, as a manager, you can also pay Social Security. On the other hand, you will have high social contributions.

The management is more flexible than that of the SARL business. The drafting of articles of association, for example, is freer than in the context of an LLC. In addition, it is easier to bring new associates into a SAS business.

On the other hand, the SARL business makes it possible to bring his spouse into the company as a collaborating spouse.

Once your legal structure has been chosen, the statutes were drawn up; you will have to register your trademark (the name of your juice bar) to protect it.

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