How to create a website for healthcare professionals?


healthcare professionals

The need to be present on the web does not always seem obvious to some health professionals.

Many claim the lack of time and unnecessary work overload or do not see any interest in it.

This analysis is contradicted by a survey that indicates that 59% of French people use the internet to carry out medical research.

Why create a website for healthcare professionals?

Today, the general public carries out almost all their research on the net before taking action, whether it is a question of buying a car, reserving a place for a show, or making an appointment with the doctor.

Therefore, your presence on the net is essential if you want people who do not know you to discover you one day.

And even when your patients recommend you to their loved ones, the latter will first carry out an initial search on the internet.

If they don't find you there, they certainly won't cross your doorstep, preferring a competitor present on the net with his website.

Thus, in addition to ensuring your visibility, a website brings credibility to your practice.

Essential content for your website

Beyond the neat, sober, even refined appearance, which befits a medical activity, your professional website must, above all, be practical and easy to use.

The user must be able to quickly find the information necessary for his decision-making.

This information must be related to your professional activity. So there you will find:

  • Your specialty

You are a general practitioner, dentist, cardiologist, orthopedic surgeon, etc. Do not maintain any ambiguity on this subject.

  • Information on pathologies / treatments

These contents will allow you to appear when Internet users inquire about these subjects in the search results.

  • Your closing times and dates.

This will prevent the patient from discovering only at the last minute that you are absent during the Christmas period, for example.

  • Your mailing address

Provide a Google Map that will help locate you.

  • Your fees and services

To avoid unpleasant surprises, and therefore bad impressions, at the last minute. Especially when we know the propensity of dissatisfied Internet users to then pour out on the net!

  • Your telephone number and a contact form

A contact form can always replace the e-mail address.

Don't forget to include an "About" section that will introduce you and your practice.

Present your diplomas, and talk about your experience and your references.

In general, this will have the effect of reassuring potential patients.

Health professional, who to call for your website?

Creating a professional healthcare website design is not always within everyone's reach, and even less so for health professionals, whose time is already very busy with daily tasks.

Calling on a company specializing in digital communication can therefore be very beneficial.

It saves time and allows you to have high demands on the quality of your website.

For those who have time, it is possible to personally take care of creating his site via CMS, site editors, and other solutions intended for laymen. However, the results in terms of SEO will probably not be as good as going through a professional / an agency whose job it is


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