7 reasons why an ERP program is the best option to be your project management software


Is your small or medium business starting with project management? Unfortunately, many small business leaders have mistakenly thought ERP systems are only for large companies. This thought has led them to believe that installing a solution that manages projects can only be done when the size that the ERP imposes has been reached. Meanwhile, this erroneous statement has short- and long-term impacts causing higher costs and delays in operations

With ERP software specialized in projects, medium-sized companies like yours achieve significant cost savings; instead of speculating what the scope and progress of a project will be, you can quickly check it on the system screen. As easy as that.

All that time you have been investing in manual tasks can be used to find new clients, optimize processes and manage projects optimally.

In this post, we will talk a little about how an ERP system works within project management and why it is convenient to have software of this type in your company.

How does project management software work?

The enterprise resource planning system or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is software developed to manage the main business processes. Project management enables the planning of resources, costs, structures and times in an effective and visually friendly way.

This technological tool requires a medium development by the company for its implementation. This is because its correct use allows the exchange of data with other systems to optimize times and actions around a given project.

Such software works to provide a more holistic overview of business processes and is ideal for project-based businesses such as construction companies or manufacturers.

These are the 7 reasons why an ERP program is the best option to be your project management software.

Interactive database

An ERP system provides the ability to manage the tasks of any project within one system. Also, since a single system manages many different functions, the ERP can collect and analyze data on these processes. This allows users to track metrics related to labor costs, customer retention, inventory turnover, and more.

Greater visibility of these indicators improves the company's ability to plan projects, assess progress, and collaborate.

Manual labbor savings

When a company starts, in its first years, if it cannot afford to buy a system, it usually does so by working with basic programs such as Microsoft Office, taking control of the company with these. A typical example is spreadsheets, in which data includes process costs, expected profit margins, operating costs, assigned labor, the leader of each project, etc.

This data is invaluable when implementing a project management solution because it can be exported, so the user will not need to manually re-enter it.

An ERP system allows the user to import the data in these sheets into the database, thus reducing implementation time and avoiding errors resulting from having to transcribe manually and repeatedly.

This advantage represents a significant increase in productivity, and who doesn't want to do more in less time?

Greater control in project management

In small and medium-sized businesses, the functions of a manager, planner, and salesperson are often performed by the owner; In those cases, the automation provided by an ERP program is especially important. This person can spend much of his time finding out the status of each project if he does not have a system that provides him with the information he needs. Suppose we add to this the usual interruptions. In that case, the decision-making process will inevitably be delayed, and without one for when we can attend to them, we will be basing ourselves on hours or days behind data.

Having a visualization of the project and the status of the tasks in real-time and at any time allows the person in charge to make the necessary adjustments so that the processes continue to develop without problems.

The project's status is displayed in the system at any time in the day, and even from a home computer connected to the ERP software via the Internet, that is, from wherever we are.

Video: Manage Projects with SAP Business One

It is a scalable system.

Another reason an ERP system is the best option to be your project management software is that it is a solution capable of growing simultaneously as the company. The fact that an ERP system is scalable results in great benefits for a small company since you will only have to acquire the necessary modules to carry out the current tasks and then gradually expand the system with new licenses for more users or complementary tools, depending on the evolution of the business needs.

Using an ERP as project management software from the beginning helps and speeds up the growth of the company, avoiding major complications that are reflected in implementations in large companies when their processes are very extensive, there is a lot of data to transfer, or a process has not been carried out. Adequate control.

Favors communications

When a company works on projects, it is normal to share information about the progress of the process with everyone involved. Fortunately, ERP software development company favors the exchange of information, even with customers. This system can print or share defined reports that are compatible with other commonly used tools such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Projects.

Consistent appearance

Another reason it is convenient to use an ERP system in project management is that it is a technology that presents modules designed coherently and intuitively, which facilitates the use of the information and its functionalities.

In addition, the automation of certain processes that, otherwise, could take more time is a relevant benefit since projects generally have delimited life cycles and meeting this deadline manually or with unfriendly systems could put the cost up. The success of it.

Allows you to submit project proposals and estimates

Most small and medium-sized businesses typically start with an estimate or bid when working on projects. The most experienced employees often create this.

This is a cost that companies should not bear; If the estimation process were simpler and more efficient, those responsible would invest more of their time in activities that generate greater results since not all proposals become orders.

TIP: Get in touch with Mavenup Creatives to get help in building your ERP software. It is the best internet marketing company all over the USA.

With ERP software, small and medium-sized companies can make estimates and offers based on historical data. A project can often be similar to a previous project. With an ERP, the history of a profitable project can be used as a template, which in addition to improving the estimation process, will also guarantee the accuracy of the offer and the lack of errors.
